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Born August 5, 1990 - Passed on October 18, 2002
Robbie was a member of the Cookeville Jr. Cavaliers 11U team for the 2002 season. #25 was a big lefty. He was quiet, friendly and always polite. He loved the game for the game, nothing more nothing less. He believed in giving 110% all the time in practice and play and he played to win.
"ACE" had a long battle with epilepsy and passed away in his sleep on October 18th. You never heard him complain of his illness and he never tried to make excuses. He knew God had a plan and whatever that plan was "ACE" accepted it.
Robbie turned 12 this past summer and just finished the season last weekend October 13, 2002. Although tired he was looking forward to the next practice. Work hard, stay in shape, and always be ready to play! You never know when you will get the call to play centerfield!

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Robo - You were my life! I miss you very much. I look at your picture every day and wonder what you are doing now. Erin said she had a dream and you came to visit her. She said you were very happy being with all the other kids and playing baseball. Erin said you were wearing a navy blue jersey with grey pants. I thought that was funny because you never had a navy blue jersey. I know you are safe in God's hands and I hope you are doing all the things you loved to do. Someday when you get a little tired, mom & I have kept your bed ready so you can rest. It wouldn't be too much if you would visit once in a while either just to say, I'm here and I'm OK. I love you very much.
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